How is ‘Racist’ Trump GAINING Support of the Black Community?

Polls are showing that President Trump’s support from the Black community has doubled since the election. However, in Obama’s first term, he lost support from the same group. So how is that happening, if so many people seem to believe Trump is a racist?

There is a psychological phenomenon called “The Illusory Truth Effect” that is being intentionally used against the American people on a daily basis. It has been proven that if you hear a lie repeated over and over again, over time, you will begin to believe it. People who have shaky beliefs in the first place are much more vulnerable to the phenomenon. Unfortunately, most Americans are not paying as close attention to facts as you might be, leaving a field ripe for the pickings of the MSM, if they can get them to watch.

The MSM consistently uses the phenomenon to shape what you think,



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