MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Tried to Fool Their Viewers

I guess that Morning Joe thought that they would get away with this. After all, they were just making up a feel-good piece to run after all the Thanksgiving festivities. In this era of all the “leaks” bombarding the media, they might have suspected that someone would out them.

In the great scheme of things, it really does not matter all that much. What it really is is a footprint of what the media has turned into. They really do generate news when they have nothing to report. 

As Written By Brian Flood for Fox News:

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” tried to fool viewers into thinking Friday’s pre-taped show was live and host Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski even discussed their Thanksgiving meals – even though the holiday hadn’t occurred yet when they taped the show.

Brzezinski opened the show by saying, “Day after Thanksgiving… I’m stuffed,” while Scarborough nervously laughed as



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