Why Left Wing Nuts Get Away with Murder

“Once Upon A Time, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away” the left wing of the political spectrum were the vanguard of opposing the globalist warfare matrix. The anti-war movement changed the world in the 1960’s and stopped the bloody carnage in Viet Nam. Judging by today’s standards, that world is forgotten and the replacement culture has an attitude that preserving the empire is necessary no matter how trumped up the rationale is to maintain perpetual conflict. Choose the newest enemy; Jihad Islam, Russian nationalism, Chinese supremacy or North Korean belligerence and any dedicated internationalist can spin an argument why fighting the next war is necessary.

Now we all know just how half-crazed the foreign policy of mentally deranged “Bomber” McCain and his NeoCon warmonger comrades has been over the decades, but what is the excuse from the Looney Left for abandoning their moral argument that underpinned opposition to the



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