Many readers may remember the story of Z Street. Perhaps the smallest and least funded organization involved in the IRS Scandal Z Street, a Zionist rather than a Teaparty group, which sued the IRS before Lois Lerner admitted the bias, may turn out to be the group that blows the cover off the entire scandal.The pro-Israel organization Z Street has been in court to redress the violation of its Constitutional rights by the Internal Revenue Service since August 2010. While not a Teaparty organization, Z Street’s 501(c)(3) application was held up for the same reason, that they disagreed with President Obama’s policy.
Z Street was created as a non-profit organization with the purpose of “educating the public about Zionism; about the facts relating to the Middle East and to the existence of Israel as a Jewish State; and about Israel’s right to refuse to negotiate with, make concessions to, or