NY Times columnist Frank Bruni’s column on Sunday asked the question, “Why Does Donald Trump Keep Dissing Jews?“ But I have a better question, “Why do liberals who have no idea what they are talking about pretend that they are speaking for the Jews?”
Based on his writing, it seems that Frank Bruni is not a fan of any faith. But one thing is for sure, the closest that Bruni’s ever been to being Jewish was his experience as a restaurant critic for the NY Times. Complaining about food has been a Jewish tradition since Biblical times. The Torah explains that the Israelites complained about the food they received directly from God. That’s why they called it Manna. Manna or Mah Na is Hebrew for “what is this?” Yes it’s true, the newly freed Jews called the nourishment received directly from heaven “what is this crap?”
Bruni’s lack of knowledge about anything…