President Trump’s most recent comments on the GOP attempts to fix our nation’s failing healthcare system is music to conservative ears. First repeal and replace later. If healthcare is done that way, “repeal” would mean get rid of every last sentence, every punctuation, of that freedom-killing Obamacare bill and toss it in the nearest fireplace.
Conservative leaders have for months been arguing that the GOP should simply repeal Obamacare immediately and then write individual bills to deal with the problems that exist in our healthcare industry. Crafting a “comprehensive” healthcare bill that will please all segments of the population is simply impossible and will no doubt end up creating more problems than it solves (just like Obamacare did).
Instead Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Mike Lee (R-UT), and a host of conservative Congressmen have been arguing that if we repeal Obamacare and then write smaller bills to deal with specific problems, we’ll…