Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut is another fine illustration of the contemporary state of Higher Education. Johnny Eric Williams, a professor in its sociology department, is among the reasons why it enjoys this distinction.
On June 18, Williams—a black man—posted some blatantly anti-white remarks on his Facebook wall. Supposedly, after they went viral, Trinity and Williams were besieged with threats. Such was the alleged intensity and nature of the threats that administrators closed campus on the day of June 21.
Williams, for his part, maintains that he never meant for his remarks to be made public and that he was deliberately misconstrued by “conservative” sites.
You be the judge of this.
Below are two of Williams’ posts from June 18. The first reads:
“It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put [an] end to the…