71 Year Old Female Staffer KNOCKED OUT By Anti-Trump Thugs

Liberal angst has taken a turn in recent weeks, with protesters turning violent and unruly.

The latest incident of leftist angst comes to us from California, a liberal stronghold that has long rebuked the ideals of a majority of Americans in favor of some socialist dream.  In the Bear Republic, one 71 year old female staffer was accosted by a violent group of anti-Trump foot soldiers, in an incident that left her unconscious.

“Rep. Dana Rohrabacher says a 71-year-old staffer at his Huntington Beach office was knocked unconscious during a protest, but the protestors say they were delivering Valentine’s Day cards.

“The [assault] on Rohrabacher’s district director, Kathleen Staunton, happened Tuesday afternoon during a protest by a group calling themselves Indivisible OC. Police confirmed they were called to the scene, but made no arrests.

“Staunton was trying to exit through the front door of Rohrabacher’s office to visit a restroom when, according to Rohrabacher, a…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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