WikiLeaks Unloads Late-Night Proof Hillary Colluded with New York Times While Secretary of State

In the email from Nov. 2010, Scott gives a breakdown of what day each story would run in The Times. 

The topics included: North Korea, China, Guantanamo Bay, Pakistan, Blackwater, Russia, corruption in Afghanistan and then-President Hamid Karzai, terrorist financing and arms trade.

The Wire noted that WikiLeaks’ release of the email exchange on Saturday came after The Times had published a story earlier in the day headlined, “Republican Attacks on Mueller and F.B.I. Open New Rift in G.O.P.”

The Wire speculated that “WikiLeaks couldn’t stand it anymore” and released the email in response late Saturday night.

The heads-up email was intended to give State (and Clinton) time to come up with some spin for stories that may have caused problems. Or, in another possible scenario, the heads up could give the State Department time to create a diversion for the same day, thus overriding a damaging story with



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