WHOA! If This Holds True Democrat Heads Will Explode 

The latest Economic Forecast from the Fed in Atlanta brings nothing but sunshine to the country’s economy. The prognosticators all predict a record growth forecast for the economy in 2018. If it is good for the economy it is bad for the Democrat party. They will be forcefully reminded that it IS the economy, stupid. That kind of growth is always good for the political party in charge when it happens. The sad part of this is that to be successful politically, the Democrat Party must root for a downturn in the economy and for all of the President’s policies to fail. They are in a lose-lose situation.

As Written and Reported By James Barrett for the Daily Wire:

If the Atlanta Fed’s economic forecast is accurate, the Democrats might have a more difficult 2018 than they’d hoped.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s GDPNow model, the economy is going



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