Who Were The FISA Judges Approving The Dossier Warrant?

Who were those FISA Judges who approved the warrant using the “Trump Dossier?” Thanks to the Adam Shiff memo we can whittle down the choices.

There has been a lot of speculation that Judge Rudolph Contreras of the D.C. Federal District Court was recused from the Michael Flynn case because Contreras also sits on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).  One theory has been that Contreras might have approved one or more of the FISA surveillance applications on Carter Page.

Assuming its information is correct, the Democrats’ rebuttal memo on the FBI FISA application in 2016 indicates that Contreras was not one of the FISC judges involved in the approvals.  He was appointed by Obama, and none of the judges involved was an Obama appointee.  (That doesn’t mean his recusal from the Flynn case had nothing to do with his service on the FISA court, but it clarifies that Contreras did not approve one of the Carter Page applications.)



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