Senator Feinstein’s Release of Fusion GPS Co-Founders Testimony Just Opened Up A Huge Can of Worms

Just like the Television group, The Monkees sang I’m A Believer, the FBI believed dossier about Trump behavior was true.That is what the Fusion GPS testimony is beginning to reveal. This is not what Senator Dianne Feinstein had in mind when she unilaterally released the testimony of Glenn Simpson, one of the co-founders of Fusion GPS.

What everyone wants to know is did the FBI use the unverified accusations in the Steele dossier in FISA Court to start a fraudulent investigation into the Trump campaign. The answers are not in yet but this is a very interesting development.

As Written and Reported By Kristina Wong for Breitbart: 

Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) may have tried to discredit Republican scrutiny of Fusion GPS and its dossier’s role in the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign, but could have ended up justifying it instead.

Feinstein — against the wishes of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA)



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