Grassley: “2nd Dossier” Fed To Christopher Steele By Obama State Dept, Routed Through Clinton Crony

That’s RIGHT! There wasn’t just 1 dossier, there was a 2nd dossier and we all know where THAT came from, especially if you are Hillary Clinton.

A heavily redacted document just released by the Senate Judiciary Committee confirms the existence of a second anti-Trump dossier which – much like the first dossier published by Buzzfeed – relied on information from Russia’s FSB, the state security service. Said otherwise, actual Russian collusion in an attempt to sway the 2016 election.

Shockingly, Zero Hedge reports this second dossier went from Clinton “hatchet man” Cody Shearer, who gave it to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department, before it was routed it to former British Spy Christopher Steele. It is unknown what happened to the document after that.


Russian collusion points BACK to Hillary

According to the referral, Steele wrote the additional memo based on anti-Trump information that originated with a foreign source. In a



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