Former FBI Agent Exposes Left-Wing Political Corruption Across The Federal Govt

It figures that with all we’re seeing revealed about the Federal Bureau of Investigation that an ideological war, of sorts, would be coming out of the woodworks. And that seems to be the case right here, and now, with the recently revealed Anti-Trump rhetoric.

They are just people, they will have political opinions, but they should be able to leave that stuff at the door (of their homes) when it comes to properly doing their jobs. And many of them, perhaps most, probably do.

But as we’ve seen, the top brass… not so much.

As Written and Reported By Robert Kraychik for Breitbart: 

“Go in and think like a liberal” was the advice two FBI agents gave Jonathan Gilliam prior to his taking an FBI entrance exam. Gilliam shared his anecdote during a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Gilliam, a retired Navy SEAL



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