Facebook pounces on news site, crushes debate on Europe’s migrant crisis

A European news site has begun censoring its own reports, withholding some stories and reviews from its Facebook page because of the social media platform’s threats over its reporting on immigration.

Voice of Europe said Facebook has recently suspended its moderators. One has been suspended for 30 days another was suspended for 24 hours after posting a photograph of Poles protesting behind a banner saying “Mohammed not welcome.”

“While we’ve changed nothing in our postings, Facebook’s behaviour towards us changed. Several innocent postings were a reason for Facebook to suspend our moderators.”

Voice of Europe said it was one of the fast growing European news sites on Facebook with at least 30,000 people joining us every month.”

“On some days 5,000 people joined us, but those days are gone after Facebook decided to censor us, suspend us and threaten us.”

One recent point of contention was a review of a book by former Czech president



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