Egg On Al Gore: Climate Change Scientists Now Predicting ‘Mini-Ice Age’ AGAIN!

Remember in the 70’s when we were all told in schools that the earth was headed back into an Ice Age, and then it miraculously turned into the Al Gore Global Warming Hoax?

Well, we seem to be back to global cooling again and headed for that Ice Age!

It seems that scientists have finally figured out that the sun is what is causing all of this warming and cooling.

Two new major climate change studies are now reversing global warming, stating the Earth is approaching a “mini ice age” as the planet’s temperature is likely to start dropping as soon as 2021.

They say that the sun will experience a cold period where all solar activities will be reduced drastically.

A study by the University of California San Diego has claimed that by 2050, the sun is expected to become cool. England’s Northumbria University has another study that



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