Bernie Sanders Massively Disrespects Flag During SOTU, Camera Shows It on Live TV

For all you Bernie Sanders fans out there, you had to feel a little embarrassed on Tuesday during President Trump’s State of the Union address. Yes, I know you supported Bernie Sanders and are not a Trump fan, but I’m not talking about all the things Trump has done to #MAGA. I’m talking about the American flag.

Yes, I know Trump’s done a lot to #MAGA from creating jobs, to reducing regulations and putting in policies that our good for business and good for our economy, from removing Obama policies that were strangling our economy. In fact President Trump probably eliminated more regulations in his first year than any president in history, thanks to Obama.

Americans can cheer for less taxes, more jobs, the elminated individual Obamacare mandate, the lowest unemployment rates ever recorded for African Americans, the end of war on coal, and new record highs in the



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