American ‘Christendom’ staging ‘rebellion against God’

The United States is post-Christian.

The population of the United States identifying as Christian has been in decline for many years.

According to a study from the Pew Research Forum, the Christian population of the United States suffered a staggering 8 percent decline between 2007 and 2014. Christianity is also seen as a valid target for mockery in American pop culture, with even the shooting victims from the Sutherland Springs, Texas, massacre being mocked by many commentators for their faith in God.

The decline is also reshaping American congregations, many of whom are combining in an effort to stay open.

“We no longer live in Christendom,” the Rev. Daniel Webster, canon for evangelism and media for the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, told The Baltimore Sun.

Some religious leaders blame the increased demands on people’s time, the variety of activities available on weekends and the decline of “blue laws”



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