Yale Professor Claims Trump Will Cause the Extinction of the Entire Human Race

A Yale professor, Bandy Lee, claims that Trump is so mentally unfit to be President that he will likely cause the extinction of the entire human race soon if something isn’t done. This wild and wacky claim comes after Michael Wolff’s latest book fabrication called “Fire and Fury.” Oh, and for information, every President in office since the invention of the nuclear bomb could destroy the human race. Just sayin’.

Now she’s never clinically examined him. She’s never even met him. But she has made it her mantra to claim that Trump has mental health issues and even “briefed Congress.” She’s written letters. She’s told every left wing news media she can get her hands on. Why? She wants him gone. And calling him crazy is all she can think of…her and her left wing collection of idiots.

In a different place and time, she could have been



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