Women On Clinton & Sanders Campaigns Claim Sexual Harassment

Campaign staffers of each of Democratic Party finalists have come forward to tell tales of rampant sexual harassment on the campaign trail that was wholly ignored by the democratic powers that be. Almost as surprising is that the media vehicle publishing their story was the very left-wing Huffington Post. Lilian Adams, who worked for Team Hillary and Zoey Jordan Salsbury who joined team Bernie each told  Huffington Posts they were preyed upon by fellow campaign workers and that the campaigns were “ill-equipped” to cope.

In  May 2016, Lilian Adams relocated to Colorado to work for Clinton a paid organizer.  It was in the Colorado office that Adams said she faced harassment from a fellow organizer.

Adams said she dealt with this harassment for months and mentioned it to a superior as early as June. Adams said.  Adams felt targeted, she said, because the man knew she was



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