Whoa! John McCain’s EPIC (and unbelievable) Smackdown of Hillary Clinton

There has not been a lot of good to say about Senator John McCain lately and then he delivers this epic Smackdown of Hillary Clinton. The good Senator points out that he, too, knows what it feels like to lose a Presidential election. He turns out to be a severe critic of more than just the book, its title, or the timing of its release. McCain has some pointed things to say to and about Hillary.

As Written By John Sexton for Hot Air:

In a feature story at Esquire magazine today, John McCain takes a few swipes at Hillary Clinton for putting out her book “What Happened” so soon after her election loss. McCain, who knows what it’s like to lose a presidential election, says the immediate feeling is wanting to justify yourself but the right thing to do is step back.

After McCain lost, his reputation for putting his



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