What has the alt-left in such a tizzy over the tax reform bill?

You have often heard it said that if the alt-left is against a bill, it must be a great bill. The Tax Reform Bill that is before Congress is coming this week. The liberal progressive left plans to make all the noise they can this week in order to defeat the bill. They will have many minions working with them.

The mainstream media will be onboard to make every little gathering of liberals look like monstrous rallies. You can count on the Democrat parties loyalists to put forth lies and innuendo about how minorities, women, and children will be hardest hit. I wonder if they will parade out a “victim” or two for their sound bites.

As Written By Adam Gabbatt for The Guardian:

Activists will launch a last-ditch effort to prevent Donald Trump’s tax bill from passing in the Senate on Monday, with scores of groups planning to lay



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