Watch Dem candidate saw off barrel of AR-15

A Democratic candidate for Congress in Virginia, Karen Mallard, has abruptly pulled down a video of herself sawing off the barrel of an AR-15 rifle when critics pointed out that making such changes without federal permission is illegal.

On Twitchy, commentators explained the issue with Mallard making a point about destroying a weapon.

She later claimed she had turned the pieces over the authorities for disposal.

But when the video appeared, Twitchy wrote about the political motivation behind the video, and its sudden removal. “Funny she’d do that,” the commentary said.

The candidate said on her blog: “You may have seen Emma Gonzalez’s amazing speech where she called out Trump and other politicians for taking NRA money and refusing to take any action on reforming America’s lax gun laws. The speech was amazing, and the fact that our young people are refusing to be silent victims and are demanding



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