Watch a College Student Argue it’s OK to Kill Children in the Name of Abortion!

An unnamed, pro-choice college student from the University of Knoxville claims it is okay to kill young children, because they cannot communicate like adults do in a video released Thursday.

Last month, Students for Life of America’s Appalachian Regional Coordinator, Brenna Lewis, recorded an encounter with the student.

He sought to justify his support for infanticide of two-year-olds.

The student claimed that because a two-year-old may not be sentient, that the two-year-old baby does not have the same right to life. He also compared its rights to that of a tree. Because the baby cannot talk, for example, the student argued that it did not have the same rights.

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“Without communication, we have no way of knowing if you’re sentient or not,” said the student, referring to killing young children. “It’s no different than this tree. It’s alive. But is it sentient?”

“Can the two year old talk to



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