Nikki Haley, as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, does not take easily to criticisms of her office or of the United States. That was a lesson that she administered painfully to the Palestinians leaders and its top negotiator on Tuesday. One of the first rules that they must learn is that telling her to “shut up” is not a career-enhancing move. Our Ambassador made it very clear that on these issues that she and our nation will not just shut up and go away. Here is what the Palestinians cannot handle.
As Written and Reported By Melissa Quinn for the Washington Examiner:
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued a sharp response to Palestinians leaders and its top negotiator Tuesday, saying she “will not shut up” after the official made derogatory comments about Haley last month.
Haley addressed the U.N. Security Council during a speech Tuesday, during which she responded