This Is Most Likely The Proof That No Collusion Evidence Exists Connecting Trump to Russia

With a bit of connecting the dots of the Strzok text messages, it is easy to see that collusion evidence connecting the Trump campaign and Russian did not exist. It did not exist then and nothing has turned up as of this report. the chances of anything ever turning up seem very slim. This means that the Robert Mueller Witch Hunt must now resort to finding or creating process crimes to justify its existence. Look at what Peter Strzok was considering before joining the Special Counsel team. 

As Written and Reported By Chuck Ross for the Daily Caller:

After 10 months of leading the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, counterintelligence official Peter Strzok had not seen compelling evidence that President Trump or high-level campaign officials colluded with the Russian government, according to a person familiar with his thinking.

That account comports with a May 19, 2017 text exchange between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page



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