Suspended Air Force Colonel Gains Support

Have you heard the story of the Air Force Colonel who was not politically correct? He would not sign a certificate of appreciation for a same-sex spouse. Colonel Leland Bohannon requested a religious accommodation and even conferred with the Judge Advocate General’s office.

None of this was to any avail as the Senior Air Force leadership set out to make an example of him. Now there is a ton of support being generated for the Colonel. Senators have also questioned the Air Force’s actions. This fired up support will now have to be dealt with by the Air Force.

As Written By Tony Perkins for the Daily Signal:

When Heather Wilson was picked to be secretary of the Air Force, she told the Senate: “Air Force policy must continue to ensure that all airmen are able to choose to practice their particular religion.” Now, she has a chance to prove it.

On Wednesday, the Family



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