America is making an abrupt cultural shift on abortion, and the pro-life ball is hurtling toward home base. Will we catch or drop it? Angst over slashing babies is most apparent with Millennials and younger people born since the 1970s (which just happens to parallel the birth of Roe vs. Wade in 1973). Perhaps they are just happy to be alive, or experiencing survivor’s guilt.
Another class of people have fervently railed against abortion, yet been remarkably ignored on this – while everything else they touch turns to gold.
Rockers, rappers and various types of musicians have consistently penned songs that can only be termed “pro-life” or “anti-abortion,” despite every attempt to interpret them otherwise. Seals & Crofts came out with “Unborn Child” in 1974, just a year after our DC Herods ruled on the relativity of human life. The Sex Pistols in 1977 raged over the grisly remains