Seattle Resident Confuses Confederate Flag and Norwegian Flag

Note that the cross on the Norwegian flag is on its side- the Confederate flag is in an X with stars.

As former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino recently tweeted, “Stupid is spreading. Quickly.” A Seattle resident became concerned when she saw what she thought was a Confederate flag flying in her Greenwood neighborhood. Only…it wasn’t a Confederate flag at all.

The Seattle Times got the tip a few days ago:

“Hi. Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a house in my Greenwood neighborhood. It is at the north-east corner of 92nd and Palatine, just a block west of 92nd and Greenwood Ave N. I would love to know what this ‘means’ … but of course don’t want to knock on their door. Maybe others in the area are flying the flag? Maybe it’s a story? Thank you.”

The tip came from a



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