Sanders Blames Hillary Clinton For Witholding Information

The Russian meddling in the Democrat primary race between Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was revealed to be a target for Russian meddling. Senator Sanders thinks that the Hillary Clinton campaign was not sharing the information that they had about the Russians. He certainly indicates that Hillary knew a lot more about it than he did. 

As Written and Reported By David Rutz for the Free beacon:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said Wednesday that he did not know at the time that Russian trolls promoted his 2016 presidential campaign and wondered why Hillary Clinton’s team did not do more to tell voters about the extent of Russia’s election interference.

In addition to their well-known efforts to boost Donald Trump, Russian trolls supported Sanders’ presidential primary campaign, when he mounted a surprisingly strong but ultimately unsuccessful challenge to Clinton, according to special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment from last



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