San Jose Fighting Against Trump’s Wall, But Is Building Wall Of Their Own To Keep Out—AMERICANS

The city of San Jose, Ca. has hosted protests against the President’s wall proposal, and has a representative in congress who’s introduced legislation to stop the border wall. But gotta hand it to the Democrats,  they never miss an opportunity to be hypocritical. Residents of the city where approximately 47% of its registered voters are Democrats (vs about 21% Republicans) are demanding a bigger and stronger wall, not to keep out Illegals, but to keep out homeless Americans.

SAN JOSE (KPIX-5) — Caltrans [California Dept. of Transportation] is building a taller, stronger wall in San Jose to stop homeless individuals from returning to an encampment.

Caltrans has repeatedly cleaned up the large encampment under I-280, but the homeless keep returning.

Laura Nunez, who has lived on Macredes Avenue in San Jose most of her life, said everything changed on her street when homeless people began using the rickety chain link fence at…



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