Raw hatred, exploitation guiding anti-gunners, say 2A activists

Gun rights activists who gathered at the state capitol in Olympia, Washington earlier this year are now being demonized for a crime in Florida they didn’t commit. (Dave Workman)

As the national cacophony against guns, gun owners and gun rights groups increases in volume, Second Amendment activists gathered for their monthly Washington Arms Collectors gun show are talking about hate.

They’re seeing it from the political left; the kind of visceral hatred that erupted at a CNN “town hall on gun violence” during which commentator Dana Loesch reportedly heard people yelling “burn her.”

They’re seeing it from corporations that have cut programs in cooperation with the National Rifle Association.

And they are seeing it in legislative proposals that blame law-abiding gun owners and their fundamental rights for the mayhem at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a crime no NRA member committed. It was a crime that might not



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