Screen snip from a viral video of a mother-daughter team in a gunfight with a liquor store robber. (YouTube, ABC)
With the nation in an uproar about gun rights versus gun control, and a startling video of a liquor store shootout between a mother-daughter duo and an armed robber all over social media, a new Rasmussen poll reveals that a majority of people with guns in the home feel safer.
The survey results, released Monday, say 61 percent of Americans who have guns in the home “feel safer knowing it’s there.”
Perhaps not surprisingly, 44 percent of the survey respondents say “they or someone in their household owns a gun.” Oddly, 51 percent of those surveyed still think it is too easy to buy a gun in the United States today, although it was far easier to buy a firearm 25 years ago.
The poll results came as video