President Trump’s 5 Most Liked Tweets of 2017

President Trump is the first president to make daily headlines for his Twitter habits. A lot of people have mixed reactions to this approach, but I love it. It shows us Donald Trump really is one of us. He tweets with candor, humor and gets important information straight to the people, every single day. I think it is revolutionary that our President talks directly to us about so many topics. It’s refreshing not to only hear from the president from a stuffy press conference. Plus, his tweets are often good for a well needed belly laugh.

Trump has been tweeting since 2009. While President Trump has about 44.8 million followers, he only follows 45 others. The lucky few are mostly family, administration and Fox News related. Then, of course, there are Diamond and Silk, the dynamic duo of hysterical women who create youtube videos supporting the president.

The press loves



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