O’Reilly: I Admired Hannity’s Courage Taking on ‘Dishonest Charges’

Former Fox News host and bestselling author Bill O’Reilly told Newsmax TV on Wednesday he admires the way Fox host Sean Hannity took on attacks from Media Matters and the two have worked together to fight back.

O’Reilly told Newsmax’s John Bachman he made a mistake in April when he opted not to take on left-wing groups he said were behind attacks claiming he sexually harassed a former Fox employee.

“I decided to try to ride this thing out because it was so crazy, so preposterous,” O’Reilly said. “I made a mistake because right after I left Fox News, the same crew – Media Matters, Color of Change, Bonnet Group, all of these very well organized far-left groups – attacked Hannity.”

Hannity chose a different tack, taking to the airwaves to deny the allegations against him, saying the accuser has a history of attacking both him and anyone else he agrees with.

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