The democrats have been working up a campaign to stymy Donald Trump’s promised repeal of the gargantuan legislation, coining the phrase “Make America Sick Again” in a lame attempt to garner some support. Unfortunately for them, a majority of Americans are ready for the ACA to go away.
“The national survey, conducted for a GOP political group, asked 1,000 likely voters if they agree that, ‘If Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act, it will make America sick again.’ Overall, only 32.1 percent of voters agreed, including, at 57.1 percent, a majority of Democrats; 64.8 percent of Independents disagreed, as did 85.9 percent of Republicans.
“‘Nearly 70 percent of respondents support repeal of ACA with a realistic modest transition period and letting people keep their coverage while they wait for the new law to be in place,’…