North Korean Situation History and Proposed Solution

Of course, the current North Korean brouhaha is all Trump’s fault at least according to the propaganda megaphone and prime time indoctrination machine that is the ABCCBSNBCPBSCNNMSNBCNPR Cartel.  But then again according to these Alt-Left AntiFa stenographers what isn’t?

To be effective all current events must happen in a vacuum.  That way the spinmeisters can work their editorial magic and make everything fit their narrative.

Therefore in their delegitimizing playbook aimed at the eventual impeachment of President Trump, the North Korean nuclear showdown is all because of Trump’s bellicose rhetoric.  However current events are the History of the Future and they need to be seen in context to be understood.

Way back in the mists of recorded time, on October 18, 1994 President Bill Clinton facing the reality of North Korea saying it was going to build nuclear weapons acted out the usual Democrat imitation of Nevil Chamberlain.  In other



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