Highly respected national security experts ranging from former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy to retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin are warning the U.S. Supreme Court not to turn the U.S. Constitution into a “suicide pact” when the justices consider President Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban.”
If the court finds that Shariah supremacism equals Islam, equals religion, equals immunity from governmental protective measures, “the Constitution really will have become a suicide pact,” they wrote.
“We will have decided that anti-constitutional Shariah radicals are just as welcome as any other law abiding, patriotic Muslims.”
The brief was submitted by the American Freedom Law Center in a lawsuit against Trump’s plan to improve the security of the United States by banning entry of unvetted individuals from eight terror-supporting nations.
Along with McCarthy and Boykin, the brief is signed by Center for Security Policy Director Frank Gaffney, American Freedom Law Center Chairman Robert J. Shillman, retired U.S. Navy Adm. James