Michael Flynn Charged With Making False Statement to FBI

Looks like special prosecutor Robert Mueller is moving fast so he can justify all the money he’s spending looking into the Russia-Trump collusion? The news of the day is former WH National Security Advisor Michael Flynn got caught lying to the FBI. It’s kind of amazing isn’t it? I mean if Mueller can catch Flynn on two separate occasions, why can’t the DOJ or any special prosecutor nail Hillary on Uranium One or for that matter, any or all of the ‘pay-to-play scandals’ she was involved in while holding the office of secretary of state? What’s up with that?

Former Trump White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was formally charged Friday morning by special counsel Robert Mueller with a single count of making false statements.

Shortly after news of this charge broke, it was announced that Flynn would plead guilty in court at 10:30 a.m., according to CNBC.

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