Measure to give Delta corporate welfare targeted after airline punished innocent NRA members

As we reported earlier Saturday, Delta joined the list of companies that decided to punish millions of law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) when it caved into a campaign by the far-left Think Progress.  It seems, however, that the company is set to become exempt from paying some $40 million in taxes on jet fuel if some Georgia lawmakers have their way:

“House leaders have been receptive to re-creating a sales tax exemption on jet fuel, something that was done away with in 2015 when Delta officials got on the wrong side of lawmakers.

Eliminating the state tax and most local taxes would amount to a break of about $50 million for airlines and cargo companies, said House Ways and Means Chairman Jay Powell, R-Camilla.”

A state House bill introduced by Rep. Chuck Efstration, R-Dacula, which would give Delta what amounts to corporate welfare, reads:



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