Let’s List the Alleged Shady Criminal Activities around Robert Mueller

Did you actually realize the Special Counsel Robert Mueller was the head of the FBI for 12 years? He was head of the FBI under Presidents Bush and Obama. He was in long enough that one writhe referred to him as J. Edgar Mueller. Knowing how J. Edgar Hoover operated, that is not funny or cute. Here are all the scandals that have swirled around Mueller.

As Written and Reported By Joe Hoft for The Gateway Pundit: 

Former Head of the now corrupt and disgraced FBI, Robert Mueller, snaked his way into the position of special counsel in the fake Trump – Russia scandal. Mueller has a history of shady, corrupt and potential criminal activities.  Below is a list of the more notable illicit activities he was part of.

As noted previously by TGP and Attorney Jeffrey Marty, Mueller was the Head of the FBI for 12 years—spanning across both the Bush and Obama



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