William Orrick
The Ninth U.S. Court of Appeals has ordered Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation to formally respond to a petition asking the court to order the judge in a lawsuit they filed against a pro-life undercover videographer to step down because of his advocacy for the abortion groups.
William H. Orrick is hearing lawsuits by the abortion groups against David Daleiden, who exposed the abortion industry’s business of selling the body parts of unborn babies.
WND reported late last year when Daleiden raised questions over the “extrajudicial affinity” of Orrick for Planned Parenthood.
The petition was filed by lawyers with the Thomas More Society defending Daleiden, who released more than a dozen videos in 2015 through his Center for Medical Progress exposing the trade in fetal parts.
A three-judge “motions panel” of the Ninth Circuit ruled Wednesday that Daleiden’s petition “warrants an answer” within 14 days from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the National Abortion Federation.
Orrick’s “extrajudicial