John Cusack Labels Republican Party a ‘Death Cult’: Calls President Trump an ‘NRA Blood Whore’

I can’t think of one killer who shot up a school that was an NRA member or even a conservative. Yet, the likes of trolls such as John Cusack label President Trump an NRA blood whore and the GOP a death cult.

There goes those tolerant, gentle, wise and insightful liberals… I’m sure he doesn’t have armed protection – unless someone just got done watching one of his latest films, I can’t imagine being mad at this asshat.

The NRA protects our Second Amendment right to bear arms and protect ourselves. They did not get Cruz to kill a bunch of kids. He bought the gun he used legally and no, it’s not an ‘assault weapon’. There’s no such thing. If the kid’s background check had flagged that he had been under a psychiatrist’s care, we would be having a different conversation today. He probably still would have found



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