HELL YEAH! The Citadel Says No WAY To Female Muslim Cadet Wearing The Hijab

They recently stood strong in the face of the Islamic bullies of our world and said no can do to wearing the Hijab.

You can guess how that’s going over with our PC world.

Sorry, the uniform is the uniform…no exceptions. Wear the uniform of go home.

The family of the accepted student is now considering “all legal options,” according to an advocate authorized to speak for them.

The uniform is traditional, and central to the ideals of the nearly 175-year-old public military college in South Carolina, so the fact that it was considering an exception to it for an accepted student set off shock waves among alumni. The idea pleased some in the close-knit corps, who felt it could be an important symbol of religious freedom and inclusiveness. But it upset others who felt it would clash with the mission and ideals of the Citadel, where loyalty, teamwork and uniformity are paramount.





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