‘Hate’ group influencing YouTube? It’s much worse!

Ben Carson

The Daily Caller’s report that the domestic terror-linked Southern Poverty Law Center has been chosen to help YouTube police website content prompted a moment of stunned silence for many who have dealt with the organization.

Then there was a tidal wave of criticism.

But the influence of the far-left SPLC, which previously was linked to domestic terror in a Washington, D.C., case involving a man who confessed to trying to kill as many people as he could at the Christian Family Resource Council, is a lot more than that.

After all, Google refers people to the leftist organization for those who want to do reputation research on sites and pages.

It’s the company’s Google User Content General Guidelines that cites the group.

“Reputation research is important for identifying websites that promote hate and violence. The Pew Research Center, Anti-Defamation League, and the Southern Poverty Law Center



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