Germany Latest Victim of Facebook Censorship

German Facebook users will soon be allowed to determine what they consider “fake” news, queuing those viewpoints for censorship.

Given the liberal narrative regarding the advent of “fake” news, an idea that has been roundly rejected by free speech experts, Facebook has caved to leftist and globalist pressures to begin filtering and censoring right wing news sources.  The first target of this Nazi-esque campaign will be, ironically, Germany.

“The world’s largest social network is bringing its test of fake-news filtering tools to Germany in the coming weeks after the spread of false stories such as one claiming that Germany’s oldest church was set on fire by a mob of a thousand people.

“German users of the social network will now be able to report a story as fake and it will be sent to Correctiv, a third-party fact checker. If the fact checker discovers it is fake, the story will…

Andrew West

Andrew West

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