FAKE NEWS: CDC is NOT Banned From Using Fetus Or Any Other Words

When the going gets tough, the left turns to twisting headlines into Facebook fodder for their progressive peons to make viral on the weekends.

That is exactly what occurred over the last few days as the social justice junket went to town on a “report” that the CDC was no longer allowed to use certain words in their reporting.  The group of words read like a millennial conspiracy theory laundry list to boot:  “Fetus”, “transgender”, and “science-based” were all in there, leading the left to jump to some harebrained conclusions regarding the nonsensical outrage that they hoped to inspire.

Of course, none of this was based in reality whatsoever, as explained by the Department of Health and Human Services.

“After the Left wasted its entire weekend tearing out their hair, gnashing their teeth, and making memes to ‘resist’ the Trump Administration’s abject ‘censorship’ of specific terms relevant to

Andrew West

Andrew West

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