Despite MSM Best Efforts, Poll Shows Americans Believe Obama ‘Improperly Surveilled’ Trump

Newsflash! The American people are not idiots. Democrats and the MSM have yet to figure that out, but the People are increasingly waking up to the fact that they are being sold a bill of goods. Americans are feeling an increased skepticism against the media these days and are drawing their own conclusions based on facts. The MSM and Democrats are no longer trusted, plain and simple.

Despite the efforts of the MSM, which  increasingly includes social media, like Facebook, Americans still overwhelmingly believe that Obama improperly surveilled the Trump Campaign. The best part of this poll and many other recent polls, is that independent voters have been siding firmly on the side of Trump. Of course, with the midterms rapidly approaching, this demographic is vitally important.

These new polls should definitely give us hope that the American people are paying attention, and that spells disaster for the Democrats.



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