Justice Ruth Ginsburg, one of five lawyers who created same-sex ‘marriage’ in the U.S.
The facts of biology, refusing to bend to the political agenda of the five lawyers on the U.S. Supreme Court who created same-sex “marriage,” still pose an obstacle for same-sex duos who have a wedding and say they are a family.
No natural children.
They’ve been forced to adopt or find a donor or volunteer surrogate to provide them with a child. But adoptions are fraught with challenges, such as dealing with a birth mother, and surrogates must have a high level of altruism to bear a child and give it away.
Now lawmakers in the state of Washington are attempting to fix that by creating surrogacy rules that would allow wealthy same-sex duos to buy babies.
Their report on bill ESSB 6037, called the Uniform Parentage Act, asserts changes are needed “due to the lack of equal treatment for