Never known for having a sharp mind (or any mind at all), while appearing on CNN Thursday, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-Fla) said she wants to ban a gun accessory that doesn’t exist, the Daily Caller reported.
She started by saying that “military-style weapons” — an apparent reference to the AR-15 — should only be available to the military and not civilians, and then pivoted to talk about magazines, Amber Athey said.
Congress, she said, should be “making sure that we don’t have high-capacity, rapid-fire magazines that allow mass killing and whose primary purpose is to achieve that.”
“That’s gonna stop this problem,” she claimed.
Of course, there’s no such thing as a “rapid-fire magazine,” but facts don’t seem to matter to the anti-gun left.
Twitter mercilessly mocked Wasserman Schultz for her crazy claim.
In case this isn’t clear, there’s no such thing as a “rapid-fire magazine.” The magazine has